01 May 2018
Patterns, Patterns Everywhere I remember a time (err… multiple times) where I would be playing a video game and having a very difficult time beating one of the bosses. I would be able to dodge one of their attacks, only...
22 Feb 2018
Introduction In the past two weeks, I had to relearn a coding skill that I have not used in a very, very long time: constructing a proper web page from scratch. When it comes to developing web pages, the only...
08 Feb 2018
Introduction Coding standards: a concept that can appear to some as a valuable and necessary component of software engineering and to others as a tedious process that can be overlooked in most cases. I agree with the notion that coding...
25 Jan 2018
Introduction One phrase that I have constantly heard throughout my life is: “there is no such thing as a stupid question,” and while I believe that is true, I also believe that a question can be asked in a way...
19 Jan 2018
Introduction Throughout the first two weeks of the course “ICS 314: Introduction to Software Engineering,” the class has been quickly going through the basics of the programming language Javascript through a pedagogy known as “Athletic Software Engineering (ASE).” This essay...